Psalter (die naam vir ‘n boek van Psalms) is versameling grootword-herinneringe van ‘n Gaga-aanbidder, ‘n dissipel van Nina Simone en ‘n gesant van die maan in kitch engelvlerke. Dis ook ‘n ode aan drie susters - Greta, Joan en Bettie – elk vernoem na ‘n silwerdoekgodin, wat saam ‘n kind deur die veranderende seisoene probeer koester. Uit die pen van Wessel Pretorius, vertolk deur opwindende opkomende talent Len-Barry Simons, met die meesterlike begeleiding van Christopher Petrie.
LEN-BARRY SIMONS gradueer in 2016 by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch met ‘n graad in Drama, waar hy gespesialiseer het in kabaret. Hy verskyn in 2017 in Wessel Pretorius se komedie Renaissance en in 2018 in ‘n verwerking van Bibi Slippers se bekroonde digbundel Fotostaatmasjien vir die verhoog by Woordfees en KKNK. Gedurende hierdie jaar speel hy ook in Aida Abridged by o.a. die National Arts Festival in Grahamstad (regie deur Greg Homan) en die musiekblyspel Calling Us Home (regie deur Magdalene Minnaar). Len-Barry woon tans in Kaapstad.
WESSEL PRETORIUS is gebore in 1986 en het skool gegaan en groot geword in Nelspruit, Mpumalanga. Hy het sy B.A. Drama graad ontvang by die Universiteit van Pretoria in 2008 en sy Honneurs in Spel by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch in 2009. Hy het sy professionele debuut in 2010 gemaak en in 2011 het skryf hy sy solo-stuk Ont- waarvoor o.a. vier Fiësta-toekennings en die Woordtrofee vir Beste Drama produksie ontvang het. Ont- is later vertaal deur Hennie van Greunen as Undone en het getoer na die Edinburgh Festival Fringe, Afrovibes in Nederland, die Wiener festwochen in Wene en die Nasionale Kunstefees in Grahamstad waar dit die Standard Bank Ovation Goud gekry het. In 2014 skryf hy Waterpas (KKNK Kanna vir Beste Komedie), Slaaf en Frats. In 2015 verskyn Sandton City Grootdoop, Al Julle Volke en Die Dag is Bros (vyf Fiësta benoemings en die ATKV-Woordveertjie vir Beste Drama). In 2016 debuteer hy met sy nuwe solostuk Die Ontelbare 48 en die komedie I Love You Sally Field (and other stories) en in 2017 skryf hy o.a. Klara Maas se Hart is Gebreek, ensomeer: Die vloeistof trilogie en Renaissance. Ander hoogtepunte as akteur sluit in Saartjie Botha se Balbesit (regie deur Jaco Bouwer), Christiaan Olwagen se N is vir Neurose, Edward Albee se Wie’s Bang vir Virginia Woolf? (regie deur Olwagen) en Tom Lanoye se Bloed en Rose (regie deur Marthinus Basson). Pretorius woon in Kaapstad waar hy streef om ‘n lewe uit teater te maak.
CHRISTOPHER PETRIE completed his schooling at Monument High School in Krugersdorp. He obtained a BMus degree from Stellenbosch University in 2017 specializing in organ performance under the tutelage of Dr Mario Nell. Christopher frequently worked as freelance accompanist during his undergraduate studies. He was the rehearsal pianist and keyboardist for musical productions Hair (2013), Evita (2014), Sarafina (2015) and Fidler on the Roof (2016) in collaboration with Northlink College. In 2017 he was rehearsal pianist for an Honours student production of La serva padrona and assistant to musical director, Erik Dippenaar, for the 2018 Woordfees production of Purcell’s Fairy Queen in collaboration with Cape Town Opera and Stellenbosch University. Christopher is currently a postgraduate Honours student at Stellenbosch University, specializing in organ repertoire studies. In 2018 he was accompanist for the ensemble of the play, NRNNSA (Die Nuwe Republiek van die Nuwe Nuwe Suid Afrika) which received a Kanna nomination for best upcoming artist at the 2018 Klein Karoo Nationale Kunstefees (KKNK) and was awarded the prize for best Nati-Jongsterre production at the 2018 Suidoosterfees. Christopher is also actively involved at the Stelenbosch University Drama Department as cabaret accompanist.
Audience Responses
It’s the show of the year! (Tracey couldn’t review it twice, so I hijacked her email to give you my two cents. -Marisa)
Very good show!!!
It was a beautifully told tale that took me right back to my own teenage years and the early years of my adulthood, the formation of my queer identity, my Afrikaner identity. I recognized so much, even in the characters described so brilliantly by a formidable talent - Len-Barry Simons. This performer is one to watch, it has was an absolute tour de force from start to finish. The Pato Negra at the end nearly finished me. truly excellent.
Die emosie en passie van 'n storie wat al soveel kere vertel is maar wat nooit oud word nie. Oorgedra met geseënde talent en waarheid.
One of the most delicious shows of the years. Sacred and profane and a cast of characters which are now indelibly etched in my mind.
Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference.
A skilfully crafted text of family nostalgia by hugely talented Wessel Pretorius, with exactly appropriate songs woven through it. Len-Barry Simons is a revelation! A brave achievement: to sit at arm’s-length from your audience, to move gently from confessional monologue into either sultry deep register or near-falsetto high notes and then to belt out the number as if this tiny theatre were Carnegie Hall. Where’s the moneyed impresario who can plot this magical young performer’s future? Christopher Petrie’s accompaniment was just what it should be: an enhancement of the vocalist’s work, never an intrusion. At the end of the performance, I wouldn’t have minded if they’d immediately reprised the entire show. Accolade to the Alexander for hosting such a wonder. I'm quite happy about your telling Wessel and Len-Barry and Christopher who I am. I chatted briefly to Len-Barry after the show.
Beautiful show!! such a gorgeous actor, so talented. I hope his show travels far and wide!
Best Theatre in a very long time! Thank you
Len-Barry has an incredible voice!! (And body... ;)
World-class performance. This intimate state of the art cabaret can show at any festival in the world - in Afrikaans. I'll definitely attend more shows at Alexander nar. PS. Great to do Afrikaans work. French, Dutch and German evenings will also be excellent.
A glorious theater experience. Just loved it.
Len-Barry is one of the greatest performers. The show blew me away! I want to come see it again!
World-class performance. This intimate state of the art cabaret can show at any festival in the world - in Afrikaans. I'll definitely attend more shows at Alexander nar. PS. Great to do Afrikaans work. French, Dutch and German evenings will also be excellent.
Excellent, Fantastic, Brilliant performance.
Goed geskryf. Pragtige stem.
Amazing text and performance - so much depth, craft and beauty. Thoroughly thoroughly enjoyed this true theatre experience. Would love to watch again and recommend to others!
The show was amazing. Len Barry was superb in his portrayal of the story with such heartfelt emotion and his singing was impactful with his wonderful range of tones. I will recommend it to friends.
Very good show!!!
Stunningly intimate. I laughed, cried and got goosebumps with every song. Well done!
what an incredible performance! very moving
Amazing show! Beautiful voice and a truly captivating experience.
This was a moving theatrical experience such as I have not had in quite a long time. What a combination Wessel Pretorius and Len-Barry Simons are: authentic script, brilliant acting. Greta, Joan en Bettie came alive in the words and songs and Christopher Petrie's just-right accompaniment.
Len-Barry Simons delivered a fantastic performance, with nostalgia, comedy and a wonderful voice. Thoroughly enjoyable and thanks for the eats.
World class. I want MORE.
Beautifully written and brilliantly performed. I’m English speaking had no trouble following the text or being moved by this purely Afrikaans work. I dragged two friends with me who loved it as much as I did. Can’t say enough good things about this little gem. Congratulations to all involved.
it was perfect!
What an awe inspiring performance!! Haven't seen such real talent and on point performance in a long time. So much real motion and great voice.
I said all I needed to the last time I saw this. For the second-time-round, it is brilliant! Polished, like a gem!
What can I say about this show? Len-Barry Simons is an extraordinary performer: his voice covers several octaves and he manages to combine exquisite phrasing with an emotional punch. I would love to see him perform Sondheim. I hope there is enough scope for his special talent in South Africa, otherwiswe surely Lndon or New York beckon.